2015 Summer Training Cruise

Day 9: May 9, 2015

Posted on: May 10, 2015

Location: 31 27.0 N    072 34.0 W   Course 198     Speed 13.7 kts.
Weather: Overcast with rain showers in the vicinity   Wind: SSE 15 kt.   Seas: 6-8 feet

Seas picked up over night but now we are pretty well clear of Ana and proceeding on our plan to sail through the Bahamas before turning back North. By the time we return to the Charleston area, Ana should have moved well ashore and somewhat North so as not to bother us.

The morning presented us with rain showers but clearer skies are showing ahead as we move out of the shadow of Ana so the Bosun is happy that painting can resume out on deck. Delta has assumed the watch while Charlie picks up with Training Day 2. Alpha is working on Utility projects and Bravo is continuing on with Maintenance.

Due to the Training Ship’s limited connectivity to the Internet, blog postings are delayed and are not intended for real-time communication. To communicate with your student, please send messages to his or her issued ship e-mail address.