2015 Summer Training Cruise

Day 11: May 11, 2015

Posted on: May 11, 2015

Location: 26 20.2 N   078 11.8 W   Course: 276   Speed: 13.6 kts
Weather: Partly Cloudy   Wind: SE 8-10 kts.   Seas: Small swell

We are completing our transit of the Bahamas and will turn to the North shortly. Good weather has allowed us to continue a lot of work on deck including the Charlie 4/C getting their introduction to basic knots while in the shade of lifeboat #1. There was a lot of focus on preparing the starboard companion way and quarterdeck for our visit to Charleston with liberal use of the fresh water for cleaning and cooling off in the humidity and heat. The flying fish have been entertaining but our intrepid fishermen have not caught anything as of yet.

Due to the Training Ship’s limited connectivity to the Internet, blog postings are delayed and are not intended for real-time communication. To communicate with your student, please send messages to his or her issued ship e-mail address.