2015 Summer Training Cruise

Day 12: May 12, 2015

Posted on: May 12, 2015

Location: 30 07.0 N  079 25.0 W   Course: 054   Speed: 14.9 kts
Weather: Mostly Sunny   Wind: SE 12 kts.   Seas: Small Southerly swell

Our speed is up as we are enjoying the benefits of the Gulf Stream on our Northern run up to Charleston. We are about 12 hours ahead of schedule so we are planning to pause to “swing” the compass to allow the deck students a chance to verify or update the deviation card. The Deck Department has been busy again today with chipping and painting as we continue to have good weather for such projects. The Engine Department has been chasing down electrical faults and lighting issues but due to the huge efforts of Electrician Seth Murray, we have the fewest lighting issues on TSSOM in years. There has also been work going on to repair and replace handrails in the engine room, giving engineers on maintenance a good fabrication project to work on.

Charlie & Delta 2/C engineers have their first exam this evening and the deckies will be completing their arrival briefs for Charleston. Everyone will be gathering for port briefs this evening as we prepare for our Charleston arrival tomorrow.

Our schedule tomorrow has us picking up the pilot around 0900 and we should be made up by 1130. Once we take care of off-loading trash and ensure that all shipboard responsibilities have been taken care of, students will have liberty to explore Charleston.

While in port, we will not be posting to the blog so the next update will be for May 17 when we depart Charleston and I recap the events of the port.

Due to the Training Ship’s limited connectivity to the Internet, blog postings are delayed and are not intended for real-time communication. To communicate with your student, please send messages to his or her issued ship e-mail address.