Location: 32 34.4 N 079 04.2 W Course: 095 Speed: 14.4 kts
Weather: Partly Cloudy Wind: SE 12 kts. Seas: Small Southerly swell
It has been a busy four days in Charleston. Our arrival went smoothly with Alpha Deck on line handling while Charlie had the watch. Mornings were used for ship’s work and taking care of maintenance that might otherwise be difficult to complete while underway. In addition, Professor Mike Maixner provided contacts which yielded tours of The Hunley Project (a civil war era submarine that is being restored) and the Clemson University Restoration and Test Facility where wind turbines are restored. In the afternoons and evenings, the students explored historic Charleston and sampled some of the numerous barbecue and seafood restaurants. Many took the water taxi to Patriot’s Point where they have beaches and museums as well as more dining options.
On Saturday, May 16th the Regiment sponsored two runners 2/C Paul Jans and 4/C Patrick Larsen in a 5k. 4/C Larsen, a member of the MMA Cross Country Team, logged a 21 minute 5k and 2/C Jans, a previous MMA Cross Country member, logged a 23 minute 5k. The weather was sunny and in the 90s. The run was from the Charleston River Dog stadium around the Hampton Park and the Citadel Military College of South Carolina and back to the stadium with runners finishing on home plate and being greeted by the members of the River Dogs team.
This morning we cast off and left Charleston in our wake and we set our sights on Spain…
- GE
- 2/C Blanchard makes the tug fast to our starboard quarter.
- Using a stopper so they can transfer the line from the windless to the bits.
- Training, even in port. Prof. Markley reviews the operation of the Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG).
- Students from St. Andrew’s School of Math and Science brought us an Educational Passages boat and got a tour of the ship from our Midshipmen.
- Students toured the bridge and tried out the ship’s wheel.
- 2/C Jans & 4/C Larsen braved the heat and represented well in the 5k.
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