Location: 31 40.2 N 066 00.3 W Course: 097 Speed: 14.1 kts
Weather: Partly Cloudy Wind: N 10 kts. Seas: Small NNW swell
Today students and crew had the opportunity to assist two elementary schools with an interactive learning program called Educational Passages. Prior to our departure from Castine, students from Houlton Shire School in Houlton, Maine prepared a small sailing vessel which they named SS Maine Shire. When we arrived in Charleston, a class from St. Andrews School of Math and Science brought a second vessel to us which they named Carolina Dreamer. Both boats are equipped with GPS satellite tracking systems that allow the students to follow travels of the boats in order to understand the effects of currents and winds. The boats were launched at 0800 EST at the following location about 100 miles WSW of Bermuda) 31 42 N 066 46 W.
You can track the boats through the Educational Passages website.
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