Location: 36 17.3 N 040 12.2 W Course: 084 Speed: 14.5 kts
Weather: Partly Cloudy Wind: SSE 19 kts. Seas: Moderate swell
Holiday on TSSOM. Ironically, there is still plenty of work to get done even when we have a holiday at sea. Delta manned the watch and Bravo handled the setup and tear down of the barbecue on the fantail but everyone got a little bit of time to relax. Several members of the training staff oversaw a skeet shooting contest that had 4/C Kinsman as the top shooter of the day. Others took advantage of some time in the sun while a handful stayed in and watched movies or studied for upcoming tests.
- 4/C Kinsman prepares to show the rest how it’s done.
- Holiday Barbecue
- Holiday Barbecue
- Making the most of close quarters, some 4/C found enough room to set up a board game between their racks.
- Holiday Barbecue
- Everyone got plenty to eat. Steak, dogs, slaw, potato salad, and strawberry shortcake.
- Holiday Barbecue
- Holiday Barbecue
- Holiday Barbecue
- Holiday Barbecue
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