2015 Summer Training Cruise

Day 38: June 7, 2015

Posted on: June 8, 2015

Location: 32 54.0 N 039 39.5 W   Course: 270   Speed: 13.5 kts
Weather: Mostly Sunny   Wind: W 9 kts.   Seas: Small sea swell

All of Bravo spent the day hard at training and filled any spare moment with preparations for exams tomorrow. The 4/C will have both Deck and Engine mid-terms and the 2/C have the dreaded flashlight exam in the morning. Delta continued on maintenance with engineers working on the Nirex system while deck primed a section of the aft house. Charlie is on day three of a four day watch stretch and Delta is on utility. Despite clouds early and a small rain shower, our string of good weather has held for yet another day.

Photos & Captions provided by 4/C Euiler and 4/C Ma:

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