2015 Summer Training Cruise

Day 40: June 9, 2015

Posted on: June 10, 2015

Location: 34 01.8 N 052 40.4 W   Course: 308   Speed: 13.4 kts
Weather: Cloudy   Wind: SW 18 kts.   Seas: Moderate sea swell

I noticed that the wrong date was put on the blog yesterday, Day 39 so I apologize for any confusion. Today is, in fact, Day 40 and 9 June.

We have more clouds than sun today for the first time since leaving Cadiz. The weather is still quite favorable. Since painting was not an option, more areas were attacked with needle gun and chipping tools. Since it is always sunny in the engine room, not much changed for our engineers. Bravo is holding the watch while Alpha prepares for their exams. Charlie is on utility and Delta is working maintenance.

Photos & Captions provided by 4/C Wheeler and 4/C Thomas White:

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