2015 Summer Training Cruise

Day 42: June 11, 2015

Posted on: June 12, 2015

Location: 40 32.8 N 062 42.0 W   Course: 305   Speed: 12.6 kts
Weather: Partly Cloudy   Wind: SW 15 kts.   Seas: Small sea swell

Perhaps you all heard a massive sigh as Alpha finished up with flashlight exams and port arrival briefs for the 2/C today. Meanwhile, the battle of chipping and painting continued throughout the ship. Sodexo provided a late meal offering of chicken wings as we are eating down our food stores prior to our Portland arrival. As grades are being tabulated, I would like to take a minute to recognize those handful of 2/C who topped the charts academically on Cruise A.

Top honors on the thermodynamics project go to:
Sam Berner
Aaron Boulos
Tyler Durant
Aaron Haley
Taylor Light-Surek
Ben Wallace

Top honors for the navigation notebook go to:
Miranda Caldwell
Shawn Dishop

Photos and Captions provided by 4/C Wheeler and 4/C T. White:

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