Location: 43 19.1 N 069 21.5 W Course: 115 Speed: 13.6 kts
Weather: Partly Cloudy Wind: S 16 kts. Seas: Small sea swell
Today the 4/C got their first chance to show the new 2/C what they have learned over the past 48 days. The 2/C will begin the same training profile that was completed on the first half of cruise while the 4/C continue to build on the training they have already completed. Everyone got a little bit of rest in Portland and now we are set for a solid 11 days of work as we head for Cobh. The Bosun wasted no time getting the painting teams organized once we got the decks cleaned up from our departure.
Photos & Captions provided by 4/C Ma and 4/C Euiler:
- Cadet Chief Mate 2/C Salerno keeping a watchful eye on line handling to ensure everyone is safe and staying within safety guidelines.
- 4/C Haith untangling the heaving line that is attached to the tug line. A heaving line is a smaller line that is thrown between vessels in order to pass the larger line to the ship.
- 2/C training with Capt. Tarrant in preparation for deck training.
- 2/C Salerno and 2/C O’Conner securing the tug line from tug Roderick McAllister to a bit the bow in preparation to leave the dock in Portland. It is important to always be aware of your surroundings when lines are coming under tension.
- It is important to keep the mooring lines out of the weather and sun as much as possible because the sun and moisture can cause them to deteriorate. We cover the lines on the winches and store all other lines inside the ship.
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