Location: 40 46.3 N 062 43.4 W Course: 120 Speed: 13.9 kts
Weather: Partly Cloudy Wind: Light & Variable Seas: Small sea swell
With a Low Pressure system forming to our West, we are staying just ahead of any significant weather right now and are continuing to have calm seas with plenty of sun. We crossed into the Gulf Stream late this morning and are experiencing warmer weather as well. Alpha started a 4-day run of Utility today while Bravo worked Maintenance. Charlie is finishing a 3-day run of Watch and Delta has been in the classroom and around the ship for Training.
Photos & Captions provided by 4/C McCoy and 4/C Akerberg:
- Delta 2/C Engineers learning about the operation of the ship service diesel generators (SSDGs). On TSSOM we generate all of our own electricity so it is crucial to the operation of the ship that the engineers are properly trained on the use and maintenance of the generators. All three of our SSDGs together can produce 2.7 megawatts of electricity, enough to power 2500 New England homes.
- 4/C on utility cleaning the gym and engine training lab.
- Suspended by bosun’s chairs, bravo deck maintenance cleans and paints the aft house bulkhead. There are permits that must be filled out and every safety precaution is taken to make sure we are performing these tasks safely.
- Deck training reviews how to hold a stopper on a mooring line, and how to wrap a mooring line around bitts. We use a stopper to hold the strain while we transfer the line from the winch to the bitt.
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