Location: 37 06.0 N 042 37.8 W Course 081 Speed 14.6 kts
Weather: Partly Cloudy Wind: SW 10 kts Seas: Small sea swell
Delta finished another block of training today and had exams for 4/C as well as 2/C. It was a long day for the Delta 4/C who started off with flashlight exams in the engine room followed by a deck exam in the afternoon. Bravo is finishing a 3 day block of watch and Alpha is looking forward to passing off utility tomorrow.
Photos & Captions provided by 4/C Akerberg and 4/C McCoy:
- 4/C Reed mopping the deck of the galley. 4/C Reed is working Scullery today.
- 2/C Newkirk monitors painters working aloft. The largest factor to consider when painting suspended in the air is safety. There must be someone standing by the anchor points for each suspended person at all times.
- 2/C Larcom using a Sextant to find our position. He is finding the angle that the sun or any celestial body is relative to our ship. We use that angle to calculate a line of position. A line of position tells us that we are somewhere on that line. To get a fix we take 2 lines of position; wherever they cross is our current location.
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