2015 Summer Training Cruise

Day 68: July 7, 2015

Posted on: July 8, 2015

Location: 38 28.8 N 027 51.2 W Course 289 Speed 13.5 kts
Weather: Partly Cloudy Wind: N 8 kts Seas: Small N-Westerly Swell

Once more through the Azores today, providing pilotage to the 2/C Deckies. The timing was complimentary to reaching the 3-weeks remaining point of the training cruise. Humidity was high but otherwise we had nice weather for the passage. Alpha 4/C are preparing to take their next battery of exams tomorrow and the 2/C are working feverishly to complete their projects in the limited time remaining.

Photos & Captions provided by 4/C Euiler and 4/C Ma:

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