Homecoming Web Header

October 3, 2020

Welcome to MMA’s first-ever virtual Homecoming! We’re excited to have you “visit” your old homeport as you tune in from around the world and we look forward to celebrating the strength of our alumni community and the spirit of your MMA experience together.

Virtual Homecoming 2020 consists of both live and recorded events that you can access through this page. Honor Classes hosted Zoom gatherings throughout the week leading up to Saturday’s events.

We hope you and your family are doing well and that we get to connect with as many of you as possible this fall!

Joe Cote ’82
Alumni Association President
Jeff Wright
Director of Alumni Relations
Homecoming 2020
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Homecoming Welcome
  • President William J. Brennan, Ph.D.
  • Joe Cote ’82, Maine Maritime Academy Alumni President
  • MMA Alumni & Friends
Annual Alumni Association Meeting | 10:00 am (ET)
  • Committee Reports
  • Election Results
  • New Business
  • Questions
  • Closing Remarks

Join alumni meeting webinar
ZOOM assistance

On Demand Events
  • Alumni Recognition and Scholarship Awards
  • Nostalgic through the years video
  • MMA Fall 2020
  • MMA Today presentation
Alumni representing six decades have put together short welcome messages for you! Even though we can’t be together in person, we can share in recognizing our fellow alumni from the honor classes, learn a bit about what’s happening at MMA right now, and share our lives through messages, photos or videos to add to this site after the weekend is over. Enjoy!

Deb Dempsey ’76
Rory Hersom ’88
Jake Jacobs ’85
Troy Malbon ’89
Chet Manuel ’67
Matthew Meskun ’00
Steve Rendall ’96
Andrew Strosahl ’05
Christin Wright ’18
Maine Maritime Academy alumni embody the values of the college and have gone on to find personal and professional success in many areas. Through their achievements and their support of MMA, they serve as shining examples for our current students and bring honor and distinction to our college.The Alumni Association and Maine Maritime Academy are committed to recognizing our accomplished alumni and their achievements.

Awardees are nominated by their peers and classmates and we are proud to celebrate their accomplishments with you today.

Outstanding Alumnus Award
Presenter: Larry Wade

Winner: Chet Manuel ’67

Outstanding Alumnus Award
Presenter: Don Small

Winner: Mark Coté ’83

Wall of Honor Award
Presenter: Coronado Hickman

Winner: Sherri Hickman ’85

It is a tradition to present our MMA Alumni Chapter and Alumni Association scholarships to current MMA students during Homecoming weekend. This year, we will award 10 scholarships through the Casco Bay Alumni Chapter, the Seacoast Alumni Chapter, and the MMA Alumni Association. These scholarships recognize sophomore, junior and senior students for achievement in Marine Transportation, Marine Engineering, Ocean Studies, and International Business and Logistics.

Scholarship Awards
This is a semester unlike any other, but MMA students are doing what they do best: working hard to succeed despite unexpected challenges along the way. As you explore this section, you will see a snapshot of what MMA looks like today, you will voyage through the years and revisit old memories, and you will learn about where we stand as an institution looking into the future. Enjoy!

MMA Fall 2020
MMA Through the Years
MMA Today
Ship Jump 2020
Sunday, September 13, 2020

Each fall, first-year students gather at the stern of TS State of Maine for an official “jump” into their life as a Mariner. Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, we were able to continue this time-honored tradition and to welcome the #ClassOf2024.

Since friends and families were not able to join us at the MMA waterfront, the Regiment provided live-commentary throughout the event. It was a beautiful day in Castine – take a look below!

This year, we honor classes that graduated in years 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015.
And 2021 will still be your year! We are extending your celebration with opportunities for a 2021 Summer Reunion, a Fall 2021 event with the 2020 and 2021 Honor Classes reuniting for a grand on-campus reunion, or both! Contact Alumni@mma.edu for more information.

Honor ClassYearbook

We also hope to welcome all of our undergraduate alumni from the “0s & 5s” back to campus for a celebration in Fall 2021. We will share updates on that plan as they become available and will make sure to do so with ample time for you to plan your visit. Please contact your Class Agent for more information or to let them know that you are interested.

We thank you for your patience while we explore many scenarios (including possible combined events) and determine the best course of action for all alumni celebrating reunion.
Unfortunately, no. MMA is offering limited Admissions tours for pre-registered families this fall, but the campus is otherwise closed to visitors. We will announce changes to that policy as soon as we are able to welcome other visitors.

Virtual Homecoming 2020 will consist of both live and recorded events that you can access through this page. Live events will be recorded and archived on this page as well.

If you would like to submit messages, photographs, or videos for possible inclusion here, please contact alumni@mma.edu.

We are not able to welcome on-campus visitors at this time.
If you have questions or comments regarding this year’s celebrations, please contact us via email at alumni@mma.edu. We would also love to hear from you if you would like to submit messages, photographs, or videos for possible inclusion throughout the virtual festivities.

MMA March

The MMA March was written by Albert B. Bennett Jr. ’54 who gifted it to the Academy. It was played officially for the first time in MMA history at the Homecoming March On before the 43rd Admiral’s Cup football game on Saturday, September 19, 2015. Bennett and his wife, Jane, were present to hear it. His gift to MMA is a lasting musical tradition for generations to come; his love of music is carried on through the regimental band at Maine Maritime Academy.

  •       MMA March
  • Spirited Words to MMA March

Notes on the MMA March from Albert B. Bennett Jr. ’54

The MMA March is intended as a spirited fight song, to get people on their feet and provide a chance to shout for Maine Maritime Academy and cheer for their Mariner Sports teams. The action words SHOUT and RAH! RAH! can be emphasized with a closed fist pump, and for the words, “take off your hats and raise a cheer,” hats can be can raised.

While this year’s event will the first of it’s kind, Homecoming is part of a long tradition at Maine Maritime Academy. To learn more about academy leadership or MMA’s rich history, please explore the following pages: