Materials Acquisition Policy
The Library’s collections support the Academy’s instructional programs, provide for learning outside the classroom, and serve as a public resource by preserving Maine’s maritime heritage. To that end, the Library will acquire physical materials according to the following priorities.
- To support the curriculum and provide materials relevant to the courses offered by the Academy.
- To collect materials that support general education at the baccalaureate level.
- To maintain strength in the subject areas where the Library serves as a library of record and a resource for the state of Maine.
- To support faculty and institutional research.
As a matter of practical reality, support for in-depth faculty and institutional research may not always be possible through materials acquisition. However, materials may be provided through interlibrary loan, document delivery, or other means of access.
Responsibility for Selection
The Library encourages suggestions and requests for materials from all members of the college community. Since support of the curriculum is the top priority for acquisition, faculty involvement in materials selection is essential. The primary responsibility for maintaining a balanced collection rests with the Head Librarian, who will make the final decision on any library acquisitions.
The Library welcomes and encourages donations of books or other materials, and gifts will be added to the collection according to the same selection criteria as purchased materials. The Library reserves the right to decide whether to include gifts in its collection and to dispose of unwanted materials.
Journal Donations
While the Library is always grateful for any gifts from our staff, faculty and friends, there are some conditions which must be met before we can accept donations of periodicals.
- The journal must be a personal subscription, paid for by the donor; or, if paid for out of department funds, there can be no savings in relation to what it would cost the Library to subscribe to the journal.
- Some publishers will not allow their journals to be given to libraries at all, or limit donations to non-current issues. We will observe any such restrictions.
- The Library is unable to reimburse individuals or departments for donated journal subscriptions.
Selection of periodicals will be made according to the same criteria as other library materials. Since periodicals require a continuing commitment of funds and shelf space, selection decisions will be made by the Head Librarian on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the chair of the requesting faculty member’s department.
Extra Copies
Normally only one copy of a requested title will be purchased. Extra copies will be purchased only where there is demonstrated high demand. For books being placed on reserve for a course, additional copies will be acquired when there are more than 80 students enrolled in the combined sections of the course.
Desk/Laboratory Copies
The Library does not purchase materials that will be used as faculty desk copies or laboratory reference materials. Such materials should be purchased from departmental funds, or the Faculty Research Book Fund when appropriate.
Other Materials
As a general rule, the Library does not acquire the following materials: course textbooks, reprints or offprints of single articles, course packs, or photocopied materials. In the case of photocopies, certain on-demand reproductions will be considered.
Discounts on the purchase of books, DVDs and other products are sometimes available to faculty and staff who are members of various professional organizations. While the Library appreciates attempts to reduce costs, any requests for discount quotes on the costs of materials from publishers or organizations based on faculty membership will be handled by Library staff; it will be made clear in the request that materials are for inclusion in the Library collection, and not for the sole use of the individual member.
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