Section 608 (Refrigeration) Certification Exam   |   $105


Registering for the exam:

  1. Click the link below to register. Once completed Tim Achorn, instructor, will email you the exam preparation booklet.
  2. When you are ready for the exam, contact Tim to schedule a test date. He can be reached at or (207) 326-2363.


Minimum: 1


Course Description
Section 608 of the Federal Clean Air Act requires persons who work with or purchase regulated refrigerants for stationary equipment to become certified through a closed book exam. This examination is a total of 100 questions, broken down into four sections: Core, Type‐I, Type‐II and Type‐III. The certification types are defined as follows:

TypeI: Required for servicing small appliances
TypeII: Required for servicing or disposing of high‐pressure appliances, except small appliances and MVACs
TypeIII: Required for servicing or disposing of low‐pressure appliances
Universal: Earned when a candidate successfully passes all four sections of the exam.

Candidates must pass the Core section along with one or more of the Types to earn a certification.
Materials Allowed: A calculator (four‐function preferred,) a pressure/temperature chart, and scratch paper.
Time to Complete Exam: 2 hours
Passing Score for Each Section: 70% or better.
Prerequisites: None