Section 608 (Refrigeration) Certification Exam   |   $105


Registering for the exam:

  1. Click the link below to register. Once completed Tim Achorn, instructor, will email you the exam preparation booklet.
  2. When you are ready for the exam, contact Tim to schedule a test date. He can be reached at or (207) 326-2363.


Minimum: 1

MMA Undergraduate Students

Registration for December 2nd.

Course Description
Section 608 of the Federal Clean Air Act requires persons who work with or purchase regulated refrigerants for stationary equipment to become certified through a closed book exam. This examination is a total of 100 questions, broken down into four sections: Core, Type‐I, Type‐II and Type‐III. The certification types are defined as follows:

TypeI: Required for servicing small appliances
TypeII: Required for servicing or disposing of high‐pressure appliances, except small appliances and MVACs
TypeIII: Required for servicing or disposing of low‐pressure appliances
Universal: Earned when a candidate successfully passes all four sections of the exam.

Candidates must pass the Core section along with one or more of the Types to earn a certification.

Materials Allowed: A calculator (four‐function preferred,) a pressure/temperature chart, and scratch paper.

Time to Complete Exam: 2 hours

Passing Score for Each Section: 70% or better.

Prerequisites: None