Maritime Security Awareness   |   Online   |   $150.00



4-hour, fully online course.

Course Description
This course will provide the knowledge required to enable personnel without designated security duties in connection with a Ship Security Plan (SSP) to enhance ship security in accordance with the requirements of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 as amended, the ISPS Code, and Section A-VI/6-1 and Table A-VI/6-1 of the STCW Code, as amended.

Course Access
Once you complete your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with details on how to access the online coursework. You may complete the training at your own pace but may be required to finish one module before advancing to the next.

CANVAS: MMA’s Learning Management System
Maine Maritime Academy uses Canvas as its online learning management system. If you have previously taken online classes with MMA, log in with your existing username and password after registering, and the new class will appear on your dashboard.

New enrollees should allow up to 2 hours for the course to appear on their dashboard.


License holders must contact the US Coast Guard directly for particulars concerning their licenses upgrade or re-certification questions: Call the National Maritime Center at 1-888-427-5662 or visit online at Merchant Mariner Licensing and Documentation.