Aaron Kingsbury picture

Aaron Kingsbury

Department: Arts and Sciences

· Associate Professor

Phone: 207-326-2797
Email: aaron.kingsbury@mma.edu
Website: https://www.aaronkingsbury.net
Office: 418 Leavitt Hall
Office Hours: MWF 10-10:50. Email me for additional times.


Dr. Kingsbury has a Master of Arts degree in geography from Simon Fraser University in Canada and a Master of Science degree in international ecological agriculture from the University of Kassel in Germany. His Ph.D. in geography came from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He serves as a research advisor for the Agriculture and Forestry Research & Development Center for Mountainous Regions in Vietnam and has been involved in agricultural and/or development research across Asia-Pacific. His research interests include undergraduate teaching methodologies, sustainability in food production, climate change adaptation, and open geospatial/remote sensing technologies (including sUAVs). A previous U.S. Fulbright Scholar (Vietnam in 2021/22), he was awarded a place on the U.S. Fulbright Specialist roster in 2023. He is currently a Teaching with Maps Faculty Fellow at the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education.

B.A., German Literature and the Liberal Arts, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
M.A., Geography, Simon Fraser University, Canada 
M.S., International Ecological Agriculture, University of Kassel, Germany
Ph.D., Geography, University of Hawaii, Manoa
A.S., Small Vessel Operations, Maine Maritime Academy, Castine (In Progress)

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