Major: International Business & Logistics
Graduation Year: 2013
Current Position: Owner
Company: Sew Fetch Dog Company
Caissie Roberts is a 2013 grad of the IBL program. While at MMA she was an active member of the women’s soccer team where she made friends that have lasted 10 years post-graduation. Immediately following graduation, she started a job with Machias Savings Bank as a customer service agent and moved almost immediately to an assistant branch manager position in Ellsworth Maine. When an opportunity arose to move back to Machias with the Varney Agency, she changed career paths into insurance. After getting married to her husband Isaiah Roberts (2010, MEO) Caissie started her own business to have more time at home with Isaiah who was shipping at the time and their kids. Caissie and Isaiah have 3 little ones, Lincoln age 6, Archer age 2, and Parker who was born Jan 2023. Caissie’s business Sew Fetch Dog Company grew 100% year over year for the first 4 years and since opening her own store front has held steady in growth and sales. She now employs 4 people year-round to keep the business functioning. Sew Fetch dog collars, harnesses and more are sold in over 150 locations all over the USA, as well as in Canada, Spain, Italy, France, the UK, and more! She has customers from as far as Australia, Japan, South Korea and beyond. When Caissie started Sew Fetch she had zero intention of it ever being able to be a full-time career, let alone globally sold product but nearly 7 years later Sew Fetch continues to grow and become a more and more recognized brand. In her free time Caissie enjoys spending time with her family at their camp on Fulton Lake.
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