Campus Currents
New Training Ship Included in Federal Budget

The United States Congress continues to support the mission of State Maritime Academies, approving again this fiscal year a significant increase in program funding. MMA President William J. Brennan, who serves as Chairman of the Consortium of State Maritime Academies, says, “This year’s appropriation demonstrates that Congress believes in the value of the Academies and our role in support of economic and national security. Over the past decade, funding for our programs has increased nearly 212%, which translates into direct support for the colleges, students, and maintenance and repair of the training ships, including fuel support for the annual training cruise.”

For the next fiscal year, Brennan added, “I am particularly pleased to report the President’s budget includes funding for the third ship in the National Security Multi-mission Vessel (NSMV) program to replace the aging fleet of training ships with purpose-built modern vessels. This third NSMV is slated to become the new TS State of Maine.” The current academy vessels are aging. The newest is almost 30 years old and the oldest, SUNY’s Empire State, is 56.

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Loeb-Sullivan International School of Business and Logistics Department Chair Kirk Langford uses these quiz questions in his sophomore Freight Transportation class to help students learn how efficient freight solutions have a major impact on a product’s success. (correct answers in bold/italics)

1. Freight is a derived demand. Derived demand is:
  1. The rate of change of demand.
  2. Demand that is created by a demand for another product or service.
  3. Demand that is calculated by the intersection of supply and demand curves.
  4. None of the above.
2. Total landed cost:
  1. Is the cost of a package delivered by air freight.
  2. Does not apply to ocean freight.
  3. Is the cost of goods actually paid by the buyer and includes the cost of the item, freight, taxes and duties.
  4. None of the above.
3. Freight transportation comprises what percent of GDP in the United States?
  1. 5%
  2. 10%
  3. 15%
  4. 20%