
Discovery Voyage

Nearly 400 students and more than 30 groups visit campus during spring semester.

Discovery Voyage is an on-campus program for groups of students, focused on grades 6-12, that demonstrates MMA’s hands-on programs in the academy’s non-traditional classroom settings, including oceanographic research vessels, engineering labs, the planetarium, wet labs and bridge simulators.

High schools, middle schools, specific classes (such as mathematics or physics), camp groups (such as Acadia Institute of Oceanography or Maine Transportation Summer Institute) and organizations (such as Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and JROTC) work with the Admissions Office to tailor an individual program to meet the needs of their group.

The program demonstrates MMA’s hands-on programs in non-traditional settings.

Itineraries include an admission overview, campus tour, lunch in the dining hall and educational programming. Depending on the time of year and availability, overnight lodging may be provided. Specific educational programming may include a navigation cruise on the Capt. Susan J. Clark, a scientific ocean studies drag on the Friendship, hands-on tug and barge exploration, using the library’s interactive sandbox and virtual reality equipment, beginning scuba lessons or time in one of the ship bridge simulators.

— By Kelly Ann Gualtieri, Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management

Photos: Deborah Bonaminio

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