Continuing Education

Training Center Location Discussed

Planning for the new Center for Professional Mariner Development (CPMD) is underway with a location change under consideration. The former Verso paper mill in Bucksport has again come into play as a potential site for the ancillary enterprise that will play a key role in supporting MMA’s mission and programs.

The project team had been working toward locating the center on Academy-owned property in Penobscot, but the significant costs necessary to start up business there caused them to reexamine acquisition of land at the Bucksport mill site.

Negotiations on the acquisition are currently in process, and the timeframe for offering professional development courses could be as soon as the end of 2018.

“This will not simply be a curricular addendum for the college,” says President Brennan. “It will be an auxiliary enterprise that is mission-appropriate and provides the opportunity to raise revenue to augment the college’s operational income needs.”

The Center will be a public-private venture, established in phases, to ensure that MMA can steward its finite resources toward the project while also cultivating private funding. For more information, contact Nathan Gandy, Dean of Maritime Training,

Photo: Liza Clark

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