Eric Hopkins hanging “Passages,” his four, 6-foot shallow relief painted panels.

ABS Center

Hopkins’ Art Installed

The sun rises over noted Maine artist Eric Hopkins’ newest work.

The ABS Center for Engineering, Science, and Research is now home to the final of four art installations created specifically for the building by Maine artists.

“Passages,” four, 6-foot shallow relief painted panels by Eric Hopkins, line the hallway of the second floor and present what the artist calls a “graphic novel” of the sun’s passage across the sky throughout the day over an ocean setting. Wood remnants from the 2016 renovation of the schooner Bowdoin are incorporated into the panels as clouds and islands, carrying on her “adventure across the high seas,” says Hopkins.

In one section of the paintings, the sun’s energy has kicked up the wind and waves as clouds and sun fly higher in the sky. In the panel “Sunset,” dark violet grays and glowing orange contrast against the purple hills.

Hopkins’ work joins that of two other artists in the building, Caleb Charlend and Clint Fulkerson.

Photo: Billy Sims

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