
Friends of the Forts

Reenactment features scenes and sounds from the past

Alumni may remember Fort George across from Leavitt Hall on the corner of Wadsworth Cove Road and Battle Avenue. Some might have heard of the British victory at the Penobscot Expedition in 1779, which secured the area for the British Crown. During the relatively peaceful years between 1779 and 1783 the Crown troops built up Fort George to provide protection for the loyalist families who flocked to this region believing the Penobscot River would become the border between British North-America and the new United States.

A newly formed group, Friends of Castine Fortifications, organized an event this fall that focused on the international significance of Fort George during the American Revolution. In 1782, the Scottish troops in charge of the fort received reinforcements from two units of German troops–the so-called Hessians–to secure the fort against a possible French attack when the Penobscot seemed destined to become the border. As part of the 235th anniversary of the arrival of the German troops, the German consulate sent Deputy Consul General Helmut Landes to participate in the event and offer support for educational exchanges.

MMA played an integral role in the events surrounding the Fort George encampment, providing spaces for scholarly presentations and historic plays which were attended by the campus community and locals, as well as parking spaces and planning assistance. This event is the first of many more to come. Next year’s encampment is September 8-9. Alumni are invited to keep up with events through the website,


Photos: courtesy of Anette Ruppel Rodrigues

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6 years ago

Excellent time! Great weather! Great Fun and learning. Thank you.

6 years ago

Great article. If you could provide directions, map, prices, etc. I think the event would draw more attendees. I look forward to visiting with my son next year. Great historical piece. Thank you.

6 years ago
Reply to  chris

Thanks, Chris. You can find the information you mention at the website: The link is provided at the end of the article above, in the last line of the article.

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