Campus Currents
Pulling Together

In the summer of 1991, as the Regimental Operations Officer, Michael Boucher ’92 and others noted the lack of enthusiasm by cadets for rowing in the lifeboats, as part of their indoctrination.

So he struck upon the idea on a Tuesday of staging MMA’s first lifeboat race competition between the cadet companies, got buy-in from the Waterfront, Commandant’s staff and others, and by Friday the incoming class was involved in creating a fun tradition that lives on.

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  • Campus Currents
    Bowdoin Crew LaudedMaine’s official vessel held in high esteem...
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  • Career Fair
    Career Services
    Career Fair FiguresThe 17th annual MMA Career Fair was held on the traditional third Thursday in October...
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  • Chess Pieces
    Smart MovesHonors seminar teaches critical thinking.
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  • War Talks
    Arts & Sciences
    War TalksSpeakers series and class probe the implications of war around the world.
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  • Friends of the Forts
    Friends of the FortsFriends of Castine Fortifications organized an event this fall that focused on the international significance of Fort George...
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  • Engine Lab Cranking
    Engine Lab CrankingThere is a powerful roar coming from the new Andrews waterfront laboratory.
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  • Volleyball Champions
    Volleyball ChampionsTeam claims second-straight victory.
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Knee Mill Setup & Use

Students from at least six majors are required to take Machine Tool Operations classes, resulting in thousands of alumni who have been through the “mill” during the last 40 years. Review the basics and be precise in answering the quiz provided by Timothy Allen, Assistant Professor, Engineering (with correct answers in bold/italics).

1. The quill lock is used:
  1. To take up the backlash
  2. Change tools
  3. Provide rigidity when milling
  4. None of the above
2. The ram:
  1. Holds the tool head
  2. Gives added machine capacity
  3. Can be moved
  4. All of the above
3. On a variable speed drive:
  1. Spindle speed changes are done with the spindle running
  2. The speed is changed automatically
  3. The spindle is stopped for speed changes
  4. None of the above
4. End mills capable of making their own starting holes are called:
  1. Plunge cut
  2. Starting hole
  3. Center drilled
  4. Center cutting end mills