To the Arctic—and Beyond
Vessel Operations and Technology Major Austin Foster worked for Western Towboat Company of Seattle, Washington, as his required field experience this past summer.
“While on the job,” says Foster, “I jumped at the chance to be part of a crew that towed the first barge loaded with freight, explosives and everything needed for winter to the Red Dog Mine, 2,880 miles north of Seattle.”
Austin’s photo of the tug Alaska Mariner rafted to her barge off Angoon, Alaska, while the crew conducts a barge check, was one of a series he entered into the Annual MMA Photo Contest.
It’s only one of many images never to be forgotten by Foster—on an adventure that is likely to be just the beginning of a career that takes him to all points of the compass.█
Photo: Austin Foster

Austin Foster worked for Western Towboat Company of Seattle, Washington.
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