Capt. Harry Stevens Retires

After 30 years of service to Maine Maritime Academy, Capt. Harry Stevens recently retired. To honor his dedicated service to the academy, its students and the tug Pentagoet, the MMA Alumni Association has made Capt. Stevens an Associate Member of the Alumni Association.

Captain Stevens began working at the academy in 1989 aboard the TS State of Maine and began his time on the tug Pentagoet in 1992. Since then, MMA has graduated an estimated 1,200 students in the deck license programs (MTO, NS, SVO, VOT).

Captain Stevens was lead lab instructor for all ship handling labs and helped “team teach” workboat operations and tug/barge operations. He also volunteered his time and talent to many other courses supported by the MMA waterfront staff. He was very popular with students because of his teaching style, steady nature and high quality standards. The Tug Operations class and Tug and Barge Lab offer students an incredible hands-on learning experience and, year after year, the class enrollment reaches capacity.

His incredible work ethic is reflected by the maintenance he performed over the years on the Pentagoet. One look at the 39-year-old tug shows his exemplary care and dedication. He always stressed that vessel maintenance and upkeep is paramount in the safe operation of any vessel. He taught his students to keep the vessel “spiffy” while providing an example of the realities of the maritime workboat industry.

The Alumni Association will recognize Capt. Stevens during the Homecoming 2019 reception on Friday evening, September 20.

Enjoy a Mariner video interview with Stevens.

Photo: Billy R. Sims

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