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Alumni News

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  • Delaware Valley Chapter
    Delaware Valley
    Academies Represented

    Three maritime alumni chapter presidents had a chance to converse at a recent Ports of Philadelphia Maritime Society Dinner: MMA DelBay president Capt. John Gazzola ’82 (right), John Brennan, Kings Point and Capt. Art Sulzer, SUNY Maritime College.

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  • New Coach
    Panama Canal
    Alumni in Leading Roles

    The chapter hosted a recent luncheon, reports Juan Molino ’89 (shown left; others l-r) Peter Podest ’91, Cesar Achurra ’90, Gary Watson ’90, Mario Pantoja ’89, Frank Samudio ’92 and Ricardo Cuellar ’17. All have served in the field, in special projects, as training officers or heads of departments. See more about MMA and the Canal in Alumni in Key Roles in the Panama Canal.

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  • Casco Bay/Ned Andrews
    New coach introduced

    The two area chapters held a combined meeting at the Dockside Grill, Falmouth on November 2. Fifty alumni and friends were entertained by featured speaker Bill Haggett, CEO of Pineland Farms and past president and CEO of BIW. Dan McNeely, MMA’s new men’s basketball coach, was introduced to the group and gave an update on the 2017 -18 Mariner basketball team.

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  • Class of 1987
    Class Agents in ActionIn April, john derose, from Katy, Texas , stepped up to be the Class Agent for the class of 1987.
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  • Sherri Hickman
    New Chapter President

    Scott Futcher ’89, MMA alumni contact for the Houston area, has been temporarily assigned to Anchorage, AK for the next couple of years. Sherri Hickman ’85 (pictured right) has stepped in to assume chapter responsibilities. Her first official function was attending a small gathering of alumni at the Hilton Americas on November 4. Also in attendance was Oliver Ferguson ’81, Kelly Griffith ’94, Jeff Ivory ’95, Billy Griffith ’98 and wife Jennifer Horner Griffith ’99, and Don McBride ’05. Jeff Wright, MMA Alumni Relations Director, updated the group on MMA activities and represented MMA at a STEM college fair at University of Houston the following day.

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  • Alumni News
    Southeast Atlantic
    First Social

    The Southeast Atlantic Chapter (Charleston, South Carolina) had its first social on September 27 with 12 in attendance. One of the organizers, Capt. Jay Stewart ’00, is excited by the showing and says people were encouraged to meet again. Discussion among the group was diversified, but always circled back to how MMA prepared them all. Classes from 1985-2013 were present.

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