Campus Currents
MMA Response to COVID-19

Plans evolve to ensure health and safety and sustain educational mission.

MAINE MARITIME ACADEMY suspended in-person classes on campus as of March 18 due to the advance of COVID-19 in the U.S. Instructors transitioned to remote (online) instruction as of March 30 for all students.

“This has been a difficult decision, one that none of us could have imagined,” says MMA President William J. Brennan. “We are concerned for our community and loved ones and taking this action in order to preserve the health and welfare of our community.”

While some types of instruction cannot be offered online, such as certain lab work or requirements for U.S. Coast Guard licensing, plans are being developed for alternative instruction or to accommodate student return to campus to complete the work when time and safety allow.

As strongly urged by Maine Governor Janet Mills, who declared a civil state of emergency March 15, and in concurrence with MMA leadership, as many non-essential MMA staff and employees as possible were asked to temporarily work from home.

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  • Students at Klondike Durby
    Student Services
    Klondike Derby a Success (Even Without Snow)MMA Sea Scouts host scouts from across New England and hope for more.
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  • Waterfront
    Bowdoin Sails into the FutureFunding assures maintenance and voyages.
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    Leadership Conference on MentorshipMore than a dozen midshipmen and command officers represented MMA at U.S. Naval Academy meeting.
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  • Athletics
    Star Athlete Joins ProsEryn Doiron accepts position to play soccer for semi-pro team.
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  • CPMD
    New CPMD DirectorAlan J. Chace heading new Center for Professional Mariner Development.
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Director of Fire Training, Myles M. Block ’06 provided the following questions used in his U.S. Coast Guard-approved Undergraduate Basic & Advanced Fire Fighting course. The course teaches fundamentals of fire fighting aboard vessels and also the types and inspection of passive and active fire alarm and suppression systems as well as many other topics. (correct answers in bold/italics)

1. A bulkhead which is designed to prevent the passage of flame for at least one hour is rated as a ________.
  1. Class A
  2. Class B
  3. Class C
  4. Class D
2. Fixed-temperature heat detectors are activated by expansion of heated material, changes in resistance of heated material, and:
  1. refraction/diffusion of light.
  2. ionization of radioactive material.
  3. melting of heated material.
  4. initiation of water flow.
3. The process which a solid goes through in order to burn is known as ________?
  1. vaporization
  2. pyrolysis
  3. gasification
  4. evaporation