Following guidance from Federal and State public health authorities, MMA leadership, faculty, and staff have worked with extraordinary speed and collaboration to meet student needs.


MMA Response to COVID-19

Plans evolve to ensure health and safety and sustain educational mission.

Maine Maritime Academy suspended in-person classes on campus as of March 18 due to the advance of COVID-19 in the U.S. Instructors transitioned to remote (online) instruction as of March 30 for all students.

“This has been a difficult decision, one that none of us could have imagined,” says MMA President William J. Brennan. “We are concerned for our community and loved ones and taking this action in order to preserve the health and welfare of our community.”

While some types of instruction cannot be offered online, such as certain lab work or requirements for U.S. Coast Guard licensing, plans are being developed for alternative instruction or to accommodate student return to campus to complete the work when time and safety allow.

As strongly urged by Maine Governor Janet Mills, who declared a civil state of emergency March 15, and in concurrence with MMA leadership, as many non-essential MMA staff and employees as possible were asked to temporarily work from home.

“We are a family and we will work through this together.”

As for Commencement, “We are committed to doing all that we can to make it possible for students to complete their requirements and graduate,” says Brennan. “We will continue to update students on their options based on the requirements of each academic major.”

MMA is investigating a suitable alternative way to conduct a Commencement ceremony, but the majority of students who have completed all requirements will have their diplomas in hand by early June.

Planning for summer activities, such as the annual training cruises and cadet shipping, will evolve as circumstances warrant. MMA works with many partners in industry, the Maritime Administration (MARAD), U.S. Coast Guard, businesses and nonprofit organizations, and consultations will take into account conditions later this spring.

Academy officials will make decisions regarding 2020 cadet shipping and summer co-ops based on guidance and information provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), shipping companies, and MARAD. Students will work closely with Career Services and follow the latest policy regarding these work experiences.

“As rapid decisions are made nationally, statewide, regionally and locally,” says Brennan, “I want to assure you that we remain committed and focused on health, safety, and our educational mission.”

Photo: Tate Yoder

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