More than a dozen midshipmen and command officers represented MMA.


Leadership Conference on Mentorship

The 2020 Naval Academy Leadership Conference was held January 20-23 at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis and was attended by the largest group yet from MMA, including Commandant of Midshipmen, Capt. John Cashman.

The group included a dozen midshipmen that comprise much of the new wedge (regiment leaders) along with advisor and Company Officer, Lt. Trevor Snow.

MMA has attended this annual conference for many years, and the theme of this year’s event was Invest in Your People: The Power of Mentorship.

“The theme was particularly appropriate and timely,” says Snow, “since a primary responsibility of our 2/C midshipmen who will be sailing on the next cruise is training and mentorship of 4/C midshipmen.”

The conference featured a mix of speakers, panels, and breakout sessions. The breakout sessions, each of which was moderated by a Naval Academy cadet, followed speakers and panels and allowed small groups to meet and discuss the material that had been presented.

MMA midshipmen were able to socialize and network with other conference participants at meal times and a more informal social event on the last night of the conference.
One panel discussed “Mentors on the Battlefield” and included three Medal of Honor recipients.

“There was tremendous value for midshipmen to hear from others in leadership positions a lot of the same messaging that we work on in the Regiment” says Snow. “Having a General, Admiral, Medal of Honor recipient, or head of a major corporation express and highlight the basic tenets of leadership like taking care of your people, the power of listening as a leadership tool, or the need to simply be involved with your people, validates what we all teach at MMA.”

Photo: George Albert

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