LeAnn Whitney at work

Dr. Carey Friedman, Associate Professor of Marine Science and Dr. LeAnn Whitney, Associate Professor of Oceanography, were recently awarded a $77,000 grant from the Maine Community Foundation in support of their research examining the relationship between PFAS in the marine environment and its presence in phytoplankton. Dr. Friedman and Dr. Whitney have been conducting the research in collaboration with Dr. Jitka Becanova, Assistant Research Professor of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography.

PFAS are known as “forever chemicals” because the strength of their carbon-fluorine molecular bonds inhibits their natural degradation in the environment. Moreover, PFAS can bioaccumulate within aquatic organisms resulting in concentrations increasing up the food chain. Ultimately, Friedman and Whitney’s research will contribute to our understanding of the concentration of PFAS in local marine waters and how much transfers into phytoplankton, microscopic and photosynthetic organisms that form the base of the marine food chain.

Read more about Friedman and Whitney’s project in the Ellsworth American.

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