New Commandant

Capt. John Cashman (USCG, ret.) has assumed duties as MMA Commandant of Midshipmen. Cashman relieved Capt. Nathan Gandy ’92 in a Change of Command Ceremony on August 26, 2019. Gandy has been promoted to the position of Dean of Maritime Training.

Cashman’s career includes experience as a U.S. Coast Guard officer and trial attorney. He recently retired from the U.S. Coast Guard after serving 20 years leading domestic law enforcement missions, search and rescue teams, and advising on military, operational, and administrative law issues. Most recently, he served as a prosecutor for the Department of Justice, Environmental Crimes Section. During his tenure, he also served at sea in various capacities aboard U.S. Coast Guard Cutters.

“We are fortunate to have such a well-qualified and dedicated person to fill this role,” said President Brennan. “It is a critical leadership position, providing consistent guidance for two-thirds of our student population both on campus and when they are on the TS State of Maine.”

Cashman’s professional life was inspired by his boyhood, which was infused with being in and around boats and a love for the ocean encouraged by his father, a retired naval officer and former skipper of the USS Constitution (“Old Ironsides”).

“For me, this is a calling,” says Cashman. “I’ve always loved being at sea, and I hope to foster that interest here. I also want to help students achieve their potential through self-discipline, personal growth, professional development, teamwork, strength of character, and social responsibility, all of which we cultivate through the regimental program.”

Cashman received his Juris Doctor degree cum laude from Suffolk University School of Law in Boston, Massachusetts. He attended U.S. Coast Guard Officer Candidate School in New London, Connecticut after earning a Bachelor of Science in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.

Photo: Kenzie Philbrick

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