Training Cruise 2019

Ports and schedule, and learning the basics of shipboard life

This summer’s voyage gets underway Wednesday, May 8 bound for exciting ports of call of Vigo, Spain; Barcelona, Spain; Southampton, England; Tallinn, Estonia; and Oslo, Norway (subject to change).

Summer training cruises aboard the TS State of Maine are required for students enrolled in majors that have an Unlimited USCG License associated. The cruises are 70 days in duration and provide the opportunity for students to experience shipboard life, and to focus on hands-on training.

Training cruises are designed as 4-credit courses with corresponding academic projects, called sea-projects, and successful completion of all three are required for graduation.

Candidates for the USCG 3rd Assistant Engineer Unlimited Horsepower license or the USCG 3rd Mate Unlimited Tonnage license are required to complete one year’s worth of sea-time.  Sea-time requirements are met through the Training Cruises, Cadet Shipping, Regimental Requirements, and special labs.

Third-year students (2/C Midshipmen) will complete a second training cruise on the training ship, taking an active role in the daily operation of the training ship and supervising 4/C Midshipmen. Due to sea time requirements, the “Deckies” participate in the entire cruise, but  the engineers are split, with half attending Cruise A leg, and, following a swap out (tentative date is June 9  in Southampton, England), the other half completes the Cruise B portion and returns to Castine July 13.

First-year students (4/C Midshipmen) will complete the entire 70-day training cruise. This experience will teach them the basics of life at sea, introductory seamanship, operation of ship’s machinery, and shipboard safety regulations and procedures. This training cruise is designed to give the students basic experience in both deck and engineering areas.

Learn more about other work experiences of MMA students.

Photo/video: Josh Shaw ’12

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Christopher T Lloyd
5 years ago

Fair winds and following seas.

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