National Maritime Day

Giving thanks and appreciation for our Merchant Marine and its tradition

Each year on May 22, our country celebrates National Maritime Day. This day recognizes America’s appreciation for the maritime industry, its notable ships, and the extraordinary seafarers whose service is the foundation of U.S. commerce, prosperity and security. The Merchant Marine powers and supplies the world’s largest economy while supporting our military forces at sea and on foreign soils.

National Maritime Day - May 22, 1947

Congress declared National Maritime Day in 1933

Why It Exists

On May 22, 1819, the SS Savannah left its homeport of Savannah, Georgia for Liverpool, England. The ship reached its destination in 29 days and four hours, marking the first successful transit of the Atlantic Ocean with steam propulsion.

In 1933, Congress declared National Maritime Day to commemorate Savannah’s voyage.

In keeping with the MMA calendar, the training ship State of Maine will be on its annual training cruise, faithfully conducting its mission while enhancing the maritime legacy of Maine and the United States on National Maritime Day, 2018. Follow the training cruise on the Cruise blog.

For more information on National Maritime Day, visit the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) website.


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