Overseas Santorini Crew


U.S.-based shipping company Overseas Shipholding Group is commending the crews aboard two of the company’s U.S.-registered tankers for coming to the aid of sailors in trouble. In less than a day, crews aboard two of the company’s tankers diverted their ships to respond to distress calls.

The first rescue took place on May 30 involving the company’s tanker Overseas Santorini (51,662 dwt). With daylight fading, the crew of the Overseas Santorini, reports that were notified by U.S. Coast Guard Norfolk along with two other vessels that a sailing vessel was in distress in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The sailboat had encountered severe weather conditions resulting in a hull breach, causing it to take on water, with individuals onboard fatigued and possibly injured. The closest point of land was the Azores approximately 800 miles to the east.

The crew of the Overseas Santorini immediately diverted toward the vessel which was broadcasting a distress signal approximately 30 nautical miles away. Sailing at top speed, the Overseas Santorini successfully rescued a family of four – two adults and two children.

“We train and drill for these scenarios all the time, hoping the call never comes, but that collectively we can come together to allow for a successful outcome when it does,” said Captain Peter Behling, MMA 1997, of the Overseas Santorini.

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