Community Event
Where the Sea Meets the Stars
Galaxsea Gala attendees enjoy short film and student photography
IT WAS A GUSTY but gorgeous evening Friday, September 23, when hundreds of students, faculty, and staff, along with Castine residents congregated on the roof of Payson Hall. It was the Galaxsea Gala, and they gathered where the sea meets the stars to celebrate the beauty of the ocean and sky at night and to watch the premiere of the short film Galaxsea: A Voyage into the Bioluminescent Night. The film, directed by local Itzel-Marine Gourmelon, explores themes of beauty in darkness and overcoming fear of the unknown. Students and community residents were encouraged to dress up for a night out, to mingle with food and drink, and to listen to musical performances by the MMA Jazz Band and Boston-based indie band Hush Club.

The event included a meet and greet where attendees mingled with local groups to discuss their mission. Community tables were hosted by the International Dark Sky Association, Castine Kayak Adventures, and the Bagaduce Watershed. The crew of the Arctic schooner Bowdoin also hosted a table to raise funds for their planned trip to the Arctic. The schooner crew were also on call that day to raise the sail of the Bowdoin as the film’s movie screen. Unfortunately, wind conditions did not allow the sail to be raised, and the film was projected on the bay door at the MMA Waterfront. The Galaxsea film crew ran a silent auction and MMA Student Activities operated a raffle.
- Cruise B-2 Departure, Valentine Serban
- Great Land, Mackenzie Morin
- Through the Coils, Nathan Hyde
Assistant Director of Student Activities, Jessica Shively, orchestrated an exhibit of student photographs submitted to the fall 2022 photo contest. The photos, taken by students while on vacation, on co-ops, or on cruise, were printed on metal and displayed at the Gala. The art will hang in Curtis Hall to help liven the space and continue to showcase the amazing and diverse work of the MMA student body. (See page 3 for the winning photo.) Despite the brisk weather, the lively event brought together over 250 students and community residents for a memorable evening.
- Ballast Tank, Shail Leszkowicz
- Bird on the Bayou, Jack Routhier
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