Archive for December, 2022


Posted on: December 9th, 2022 by bryan.wolf No Comments

John Fronce is retired and lives with his wife, Pamela, in Grove City, Ohio.



Posted on: December 9th, 2022 by bryan.wolf No Comments

Kurt Passon states, “Looking back no remorse. What an insane adventure a maritime life was. I’m still telling showstopping sea stories.”



Posted on: December 9th, 2022 by bryan.wolf No Comments

From a thread of a class agent email sent to classmates, we saved this picture (among many) shared from Jeff Potter’s wedding (circa 1978). In attendance are Galen Howes, Paul Lenfest, Potter, Les Eadie, and Dave Witherill (class agent).



Posted on: December 9th, 2022 by bryan.wolf No Comments

James Earley retired as chief engineer of SL-7 in 2006, and from the Arthur Kill Generating Station in 2015. His hobbies include tuna fishing and vacationing in Marathon, Fla. in February and March.



Posted on: December 9th, 2022 by bryan.wolf No Comments

The General Rudder, the 224- foot training vessel of Texas A&M, Galveston, visited Castine for a few days this summer. MMA students were aboard accumulating required seatime. Also onboard were alumni Mark Nickerson, sailing as chief engineer, and Bill Gamage ’88, first engineer.



Posted on: December 9th, 2022 by bryan.wolf No Comments

Class agent Ed Gagnon passed along that Tom Cromwell retired last July after 43 years with ConocoPhilips Polar Tankers and lives in Carrabassett Valley, Maine. He also included a picture of Cromwell and eight of his classmates on an excursion boat out of Portsmouth, N.H. Pictured (l. to r.) are Cromwell, Larry James, Tim Higgins, Glenn Brewer, Larry Whittaker, George Lay, Tom Burrill, Dave Cornell, and Paul Ducheney.



Posted on: December 9th, 2022 by bryan.wolf No Comments

In July 2022, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the reappointment of Michael Jaccoma to the Board of Pilot Commissioners. Jaccoma is a harbor pilot for Biscayne Bay Pilots. He currently serves as vice chairman on the Board of Pilot Commissioners and has been actively engaged in the piloting profession in the state of Florida since 1988.



Posted on: December 9th, 2022 by bryan.wolf No Comments

Mark Pulkkinen retired on September 30, 2021, with 39 years of (civil service) working for the U.S. Navy as a port engineer.



Posted on: December 9th, 2022 by bryan.wolf No Comments

David Sapone writes from the Washington Navy Yard, “After 28 years in the Navy building, operating, and decommissioning ships, I’ve spent the last 15 years with the Naval Sea Systems command and Program Executive Office ships. Over the last eleven years I’ve had the pleasure of administering the post delivery schedule for thirteen new ships provided to Military Sealift Command and have another seven ships under construction. Life is good.”



Posted on: December 9th, 2022 by bryan.wolf No Comments

Upon graduation, Charles “Chuck” Shuster sailed the Great Lakes before enlisting in the U.S. Coast Guard as a marine inspector. After six years, he left the Coast Guard and worked as a naval architect for Supervisor of Shipbuilding, making modifications to U.S. Naval ships. From there, he moved on to Brookhaven National Laboratory (BLN) where he held a variety of positions in the medical, nuclear, and mechanical fields. While employed by BNL, Shuster earned his MBA from Dowling College as well as an associate degree in nursing. He retired from BNL as a facility manager in 2012 and immediately began working as a registered nurse at St. Charles Hospital. He and Betty, his wife of 33 years, have seven grandchildren. They split their time between their homes on Long Island and Ormond Beach, Fla. Shuster is planning his next, and final, retirement within the next year. He thanks MMA for the education and training that assisted him throughout his varied careers.