FOR THOSE OF YOU who were not aware, Frank Tepedino ’58 has stepped down as Vice President of the Alumni Association. The Board wishes to sincerely thank Frank for his enthusiasm and passion for MMA.
Alumni President
Bill Full ’76
Per the Alumni Association bylaws, I appointed, and the Board confirmed, Andrew Strosahl ’05 to Vice President. Myles Block ’06 was subsequently appointed, and confirmed, as the Registered Agent (Clerk) vacated by Andrew.
I ask the membership to welcome Ed Gagnon ’78 as the newest member of the Alumni Association board. Ed, from Francestown, NH, who retired from BAE Systems in 2017, was appointed and confirmed as a new member to the board.
Recently, Andrew and I have been reaching out to other maritime academy Alumni Associations to measure interest in conducting cooperative activities. What immediately impressed us was the level of engagement and volunteerism of our Maine Maritime Academy Alumni with our alma mater. As a group, we are far more involved with our school than any other maritime academy’s alumni population. Thank you to all who have given your time and effort.
It is this engagement that helps us stand taller in the marine-related industries in which we work. Those efforts alone help create more and better opportunities for current and future alumni. But there is more we can do as a group.
Become an MMA volunteer!
Each of the four standing committees (Communications, Financial Support, Alumni Engagement, and Working with Outside Entities) of the Alumni Board has non-board volunteers assisting, and there are a number of other efforts that can use a fresh eye and helping hand.
Some classes are in need of Class Agents or Class Advancement Volunteers, and an effort we have been working on to reconstitute a consortium of Maritime Academy Alumni Associations will need volunteers as well.
Have any ideas for an area alumni event? Chapter/Group events are focusing on gathering in fun, enjoyable, and safe settings for alumni and families alike. Themed activities such as minor league hockey, basketball, and baseball games, snow skiing, car shows, and ax throwing are just a few of the examples we encourage alumni to initiate. Whether there’s a chapter/group near you or not, contact the Alumni Relations Office to suggest your idea and see what we can do to support your event.
Become an MMA volunteer! These efforts are not onerous or burdensome and I am encouraging more of you to reach out to Jeff Wright and Karen Cukierski in the Alumni Office ( if you would like to be part of one of these efforts.
It is what has helped Maine Maritime Academy stand out from its peers and what will help MMA lead in the future!
Sincerely yours,
Bill Full ’76