
Sea Service

Using military sea service to upgrade merchant marine credentials

Assistant Professor Hank Stewart accrued many years of sea service on U.S. Navy warships. He joined MMA upon his retirement, and after taking required Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) courses, Stewart requested the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) review his Naval sea service and apply it toward upgrading his Third Assistant Engineer’s license.

The USCG eventually determined he met requirements for licensing as an Unlimited Chief Engineer of Steam, Motor and Gas Turbine propelled vessels, upon completion of the license examination.

Along the way, Stewart learned a few things that might interest other alumni seeking license upgrades based on military sea service.

—Merchant mariner credentials are not required to operate military vessels. Therefore, many licensees forgo upgrading or maintaining active credentials. We recommend licensees place their documents in continuity to prevent expiration.

—The USCG’s process of evaluating military sea service is convoluted and lengthy. To help, consider hiring a consultant to assist, as questions and clarifications between applicants and examiners can be repetitive and time consuming. (Use web search: “maritime license consultant.”)

—We recommend veterans provide a cover letter with their application stating credentials sought and listing dates assigned to military vessels as qualified deck or engine watch officer along with ship names, tonnage and horsepower ratings. Normally 60 percent of sea time on a military vessel is credited. The letter should be supported by qualification letters, relevant information from your service record and copies of certificates from USCG-approved courses.

—Once your package is submitted, cheerful patience and a consultant can help. Stewart’s license upgrade took several months with his consultant answering inquiries on his behalf. He used this time to study for the examination and his Unlimited Chief’s license.


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