Campus Currents
Cool Co-op at BMW

Lyla Mathieu likely was born with a wrench nearby.

Mathieu, a senior in International Business and Logistics, has been around cars nearly all her life, as her father owns a body shop in which she began to participate as part of the business when she was 15. “I just fell in love with cars,” she says, “and about the same time I spent a year living and attending high school in Germany.”

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  • Campus Currents Department
    Ocean Studies
    Quahog AwardsCassie lopez has handled her share of European Green Crabs, which are considered one of the world’s most harmful invasive species...
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  • MMA Hosts Conference
    MMA Hosts Maritime Academies ConferenceMMA proudly hosted the inaugural State Maritime Academy Leadership Conference during the weekend of March 24, 2017...
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  • New Sports Team
    MMA to Add Swim TeamsThe addition of an intercollegiate swimming team marks the seventh men’s and sixth women’s NCAA intercollegiate program offered...
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  • Fitness Training
    Cadets Host Units From 10 Schools for ChallengeNearly 150 JROTC and Sea Cadet students from 10 schools in Maine and New Hampshire were hosted by MMA and University...
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  • Tesla comes to Castine
    Career Services
    Tesla OffersIn need of engineers, the famed car company comes to Castine...
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  • Ireland cemetary
    Arts & Sciences
    Ireland ItineraryWhen professors Kim and Leon Raikes told the group of 14 students who participated in MMA’s Ireland Study Abroad...
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  • Sea Service
    Sea ServiceAssistant Professor Hank Stewart accrued many years of sea service on U.S. Navy warships. He joined MMA upon his retirement...
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Arctic Navigation Know-How

As Arctic ice vanishes, new shipping routes open, and Capt. Ralph Pundt ’77, Professor of Marine Transportation, leads the way on developing ice navigation courses and more. Here are sample questions from one of his quizzes (with correct answers in bold/italics):

1. Which best defines a pressure ridge?
  1. Pressure ridges occur mostly in newer ice
  2. hazards because of thickness, rather than their strength
  3. Pressure ridges extend downward 4 to 5 times as far as they extend upwards
  4. All of the above
2. The initial course of icebergs which find their way to the North Atlantic shipping lanes is:
  1. South along the West coast of Nova Scotia
  2. North along the Greenlandic West coast
  3. North along the East coast of Labrador Canada
  4. South along the Labrador coast
3. According to the Polar Code, maximum expected time of rescue means the time adopted for the design of equipment and system that provide survival support. It shall never be taken as less than:_____ days.
  1. 12
  2. 15
  3. 5
  4. 30