Castine Current
OnJanuary2,TSStateofMainedepart- wordsweresaidaboutthelossofourshipmates, began,whenIwentoutondeckatabout0700
ed Castine for St. Croix, U.S. Virgin
including Capt. Mike Davidson '88, Danielle
and saw the American flag flying at half-mast and
Islands on a short winter training voyage.
Randolph '05, Mitchell Kuflik '11, Michael
signal flags flying to represent the last names of
Students, crew and faculty aboard numbered
Holland '12, and Dylan Meklin '15. Capt.
the MMA El Faro crew: D-R-K-H-M.'
210, including President Brennan. As plans for
Eadie read from John Masefield's "Sea Fever." Af-
the cruise developed, the path south offered
ter the poem, the order to `present arms' was giv-
"We wish peace to al ."
opportunity for a brief ceremony to be held at the
en, and al hands rendered honors as the wreath
final resting place of the El Faro. On the morning
was eased over the rail and lowered to the water
of January 7, the weather was calm at the site
by the cadet masters and cadet chief engineers.
while the ceremony proceeded for the students
"As the wreath floated free, the mate on watch
and crew aboard. The
gave a long blast of
following blog post was
the ship's whistle to
sent by Capt. Gandy later
All were truly
signal our farewel
that morning.
and the ceremony
inspired and connected.
"We were greeted by
concluded. After-
the best weather of the
ward, many students
voyage this morning. Sunrise revealed clear skies
remained at the rail to watch as the wreath passed
and the wind was blowing at 15 knots. As fate
from sight in what was a beautiful but somber
would have it, the swel s out of the NE were in
perfect contrast to the winds from the SW, which
"After the ceremony, President Brennan
allowed the mate to head into the seas and reduce
reflected, `Al were truly inspired and connected.
the wind across the deck for the ceremony.
The ceremony was somber yet cathartic, wel
"Al hands not on watch turned out as a few
done and appropriate. I was moved before it
2016 - ISSUE 1