By Haley Hunt Griffin `15
MMA students often exclaim, "There's
nothing to do!" However, many students claim
otherwise ­ working as tutors, helping peers in
the Writing Center, hosting community events, and
doing community service. According to these active
students there are not enough hours in the day!
One of the campus clubs dedicated to community service
is the Academy's only fraternity: Alpha Phi Omega (APO),
which, with approximately 60 members, hosts two of Castine's
annual Haunted Houses (one for young children and one for older
children), Red Cross blood drives, and a Klondike Derby. During the Klondike Derby, APO volunteers teach
and monitor Boy Scouts who come to the Academy for a weekend to learn leadership and wilderness survival
Additionally, APO encourages students to volunteer individually within their communities. During the
winter months, APO members wrap Christmas presents at the Trinitarian Church's Christmas Craft Fair and
shovel snow for citizens. During warmer months, students help the elderly in town with house or yard work.
Each year, APO pledges have a service project in their 6-week pledge period during which they study the
history and mission of APO. This year, pledges collected snack food, supplies, phone cards, prepaid postcards,
etc. to give to outgoing or returning troops flying via Bangor.
MARINER 2013 - Issue 2