Portland Marine Society

An introduction to a maritime industry stalwart founded in 1796

At five o’clock on the long, bright summer solstice afternoon of June 21, 1796, a small group of Portland, Maine sea captains gathered at the Thomas Motley’s Freemasons’ Arms Tavern, a block or so from the waterfront. Earlier in the year, they had successfully petitioned the Massachusetts General Court for incorporation, and on February 27, 1796, Governor Samuel Adams signed the act incorporating “John Thorlo and others into a Society by the name of the Portland Marine Society.”

The Portland Marine Society is 223 years young, and growing. Membership takes great pride in being part of the third-oldest Marine Society in the world. Members attended four of the maritime academies, and Maine Maritime is heavily represented, with five past presidents and three current officers. Its charitable purposes include sponsoring scholarships for deserving midshipmen at both Maine and Massachusetts Maritime Academies, and sponsoring the annual Monomoy Race at SUNY Maritime College.

The Portland Marine Society welcomes visitors to the monthly meetings, held on the third Tuesday each month at 5 pm in the Culinary Arts Building on the campus of Southern Maine Community College, South Portland.

Be informed and entertained on maritime issues by guest speakers, and enjoy the warmth and camaraderie of reconnecting with both classmates and shipmates. Best of all, dine on a bowl of hearty chowder made from a recipe in continuous improvement for 223 years!

For more information, contact Captain Jeffrey Wadman at 207-653-5234.

Photo: portlandmarinesociety.com

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