MMA Training Cruise 2018

Refurbished Ship and European Cruise

Maine Maritime Academy’s training ship State of Maine arrived back in Castine on Friday, February 23, 2018 after an extended yard period in Brooklyn, New York. Significant yard projects included work on the rudder post and rudder; multiple ballast tank inspections and recoating; a full hull blast, prime and paint; painting in the engine room bilge; and hydroblast, prime and paint on both houses as well.

First-year Unlimited License students welcome her return to commence a condensed but thorough shipboard deck and engineering familiarization program prior to the official start of cruise on Monday, May 7.

Ports of call for Cruise 2018 (subject to change) include Cadiz, Spain; Rotterdam, Netherlands; Lisbon, Portugal; Civitavecchia, Italy; and Alicante, Spain before arriving back in Castine on July 14.

The 2018 Training Cruise will be 70 days in duration, shorter than the 90-day cruises of the previous two years. First-year students will stay aboard for the entire cruise, as will the junior deck students. Junior engineering students will be split between Cruise A and Cruise B, as their sea day requirements differ. Half the junior engineers will participate in Cruise A, participating in training, watches, maintenance and utility aboard the State of Maine during the North Atlantic transit and the first three cruise port visits. Their final stop will be to report for additional shoreside training in Castine specific to STCW requirements. Cruise B students will report for Cruise one week early for the STCW training in Castine prior to cruise. They will swap out with the Cruise B junior engineers in Lisbon in mid-June.

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Thomas Bourgelas
6 years ago

When will the ship arrive in Cadiz, Spain? We live not far from there and would love to make a visit! Thanks in advance for your assistance!

Bruce Woodman
6 years ago

Will Portland, included as a port of call before her arrival in Castine. That is always a great MMA function for all.
Bruce Woodman (Woody)

6 years ago
Reply to  Bruce Woodman

Sorry Woody, the ship is not expected to stop in Portland this year.

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