MMA Alumni Association, Inc. Turns 75

From the historical files and papers of Alfred ‘Ed’ Langlois ’44, the ‘father of the MMA Alumni Association’, the groundwork for the association was laid in February 1945, when graduates from the first class organized the initial MMA Alumni Association, affixing their names as “charter members”, and drawing up the first constitution, though not acted upon.  However, most of the core ‘objects’ (purposes) of the association stated in the original remain today.

At the first alumni banquet held June 22, 1946, a meeting of alumni came to order at 9:30 PM,  following the meal and a group singalong led by John Logan ’43.  With Ed Langlois presiding, the first order of business was discussion, nomination and election of alumni officers. Elected were William McReel ’43, President; Mark Sewall ’44, Vice President; and two members from each of the first four classes as the Executive Committee. At this time, official charter of the association was discussed. Also, the Executive Committee unanimous approved eight proposed resolutions:

Resolution 1: Purchase of a bronze plaque ($85) to bear the names of alumni lost in the line of duty.

Resolution 2: An association banner (cloth) be made, with colors blue and gold, for display at each meeting. Cost between $25-50.

Resolution 3: The alumni secretary be paid $25/month out of dues to carry on active work of the association.

Resolution 4: That ADM Douglas Dismukes, USN (retired) be made Honorable President of the association.

Resolution 5: Alumni dues will be $5/year (June 1st to June 1st).

Resolution 6: That three quarters vote of the Executive Committee will constitute majority to pass resolutions.

Resolution 7: The association hold a dance in the city of Portland during Christmas season.

Resolution 8: That the association have Honorary and Associate members.

The meeting adjourned at 11:05 PM.

During a November 1946 meeting, the Executive Committee unanimously adopted, among others, Resolution 24, “That the second annual Alumni Banquet be held in Portland on June 21, 1947” and Resolution 27, “…the Alumni Association pay (a) lawyer for..… legal work in obtaining charter for the Association that (make) us an official organization.”

On June 19, 1947, Arthur A. Peabody, Esq., petitioned Richard E. White ’44, requiring him to call a meeting of the MMA alumni for the purposes of organizing the Association as a corporation.   The meeting was held at the Eastland Hotel in Portland on June 21, 1947, the day of MMA’s second Alumni Banquet. Peabody called the meeting to order, with White chosen as Chair and Langlois as Clerk.

On motions duly made and seconded, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Resolved: In pursuance of the provisions of the Articles of Agreement, the signers (alumni) proceed to organize into a corporation.

Resolved: The name of said corporation shall be Maine Maritime Academy Alumni Association, Inc.

Resolved: …the purposes of said corporation shall be as specified and set out in the original Articles of Agreement and principal office shall be in Castine.

Resolved: The meeting proceed to elect a Board of Directors, a President, a Vice-President and  a Secretary-Treasurer.

After nominations and vote, eleven alumni were elected to the first Board of Directors, with William McReel, President, Mark Sewall, Vice-President, and Ed Langlois, Secretary – Treasurer.

Following motions and seconds, the Board unanimously voted to 1) prepare the certificate setting forth the name and purposes of the corporation (see photo) and other required particulars, 2) accept in full the constitution of the MMA Alumni Association as the constitution of the MMA Alumni Association, Inc.

Where no further corporate business could be conducted until the Certificate of Organization is approved and recorded, the meeting was adjourned.

Many thanks to our Alumni Association forefathers their loyalty, hard work and foresight on behalf of succeeding MMA alumni. Happy 75th!

Certificate of organization of a corporation

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