MMA Alumni in the News

From managing the second largest cruising port in the country, to a mother and daughter crossing the same deck at sea, plus two alums who work together to keep careers and a business strong, here’s the latest on MMA alumni in the news.

Port Canaveral: Leveraging the Past, Building for the Future 
Maritime Logistics Professional
John Murray ’79

Women in a Wheelhouse, A Family’s Calling
Women Offshore
Capt. Sherry Hickman ’85 and Coronado Hickman ’17

On Land and at Sea, Dexter Gym Owner is Winning at Life
The Piscataquis Observer
Angelo and Kristy Rizzitello ’99

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Larry Wade
5 years ago

Port Canaveral: There are other MMA grads involved. Captain Sean Morrissey Class of 2002, son of Bob Morrissey Class of 65, is a Port Canaveral Pilot.

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