Class Reunions on Campus

Enjoy the best of times with classmates.

Following the success of a summer reunion held about 25 years ago, the MMA Alumni Relations Office has extended invitations for classes honoring their 25th year on up (in 5 year increments) during Maine’s finest season, if they wish. Class Class of 1973socials, an MMA update, Eight Bells ceremony, class photo, harbor tours and a lobster feed are just a few of the offerings during this two-day event.

Another opportunity for class gatherings is Homecoming. During this weekend event in the fall,  Honor Classes are recognized during a reception and alumni participate in the traditional pre-game march on, as well as designated tailgating on Pleasant Street to enjoy the game and camaraderie. Participate in either, or both.

In June, the Class of 1973 (photo) celebrated their 45th year and the Class of 1968 will have a silver anniversary in August. The Class of 1964 has already scheduled their 55th for June 2019!

If you have an honor year approaching, discuss options with your classmates and class agent(s).

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