MMA Alumnae Featured in Coast Guard Journal
“Pioneers & Prodigies,” a themed issue of Proceedings, the Coast Guard Journal of Safety and Security at Sea, featured the contributions of women in the U.S. maritime industry.
Four MMA alumnae are profiled in this special issue, which Coast Guard Commandant, Admiral Karl L. Schultz states in the preface recognizes how women have brought strength and diversity to the U.S. maritime industry.
“Today, the maritime industries are for everyone,” writes International Maritime Organization, Secretary General Kitack Lim. “It’s not about your gender, it’s about what you can do.”

Deborah Doane Dempsey ’76
Captain, Columbia River Bar Pilot (Retired)
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Crystal Parker Maass ’06
Chief Mate, Polar Tankers of Conoco Phillips
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Photos: Jill Johnson, courtesy of Deborah Dempsey, Proceedings
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